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Execution of Technological Connection to Electric Networks. Increase in Power Capacity

Project manager:

Managing partner
Corporate practice, Litigation, Investment projects
January 26, 2021

Execution of Technological Connection to Electric Networks. Increase in Power Capacity

Case Description

Вопросы оформления документов по подключению к сетям электроснабжения, водоснабжения и водоотведения предприятий всегда являются сложными и многогранными. Требуется совершить много юридических действий при подготовке проектной документации, строительстве инфраструктуры, получении необходимых согласований. Если энергоснабжение в Москве и области обеспечивается в первую очередь Мосэнергосбытом, то вопросы подключения и обслуживания линий электропередач находятся в ведении владельцев сетей. Основным владельцем является ПАО «Россети».

Наш клиент, крупный завод по производству пищевой продукции, столкнулся с необходимостью увеличения разрешенной мощности для увеличения объема производства. В процессе сбора документов и проведения due diligence выяснилось, что акт технологического присоединения является временным и был выдан на 10 лет, срок его закончился. При обращении за продлением акта в «Россети» выяснилось, что это невозможно по причине наличия задолженности по исполнению договора о технологическом присоединении, а также ввиду того, что одна из присоединенных сетей принадлежит третьему лицу, находящемуся в банкротстве. Более того, ранее клиент обращался в суд о принудительном исполнении договора о технологическом присоединении со стороны сетевой организации, но проиграл во всех инстанциях. Отношения с сетевой организацией были испорчены судебными тяжбами и конструктивный диалог отсутствовал. Возникла угроза фактического отключения предприятия от сети.

Для оформления акта технологического присоединения в сложившейся ситуации необходимо было найти юридические механизмы по урегулированию конфликта с сетевой организацией, приобрести или построить кабельные линии, а также разработать и согласовать всю необходимую проектную документацию для увеличения мощности.

Solving the tasks assigned

The project related to approval of all necessary documents and implementation of procedures for the purchase of cable lines took more than 4 years. Due to negotiations held by BBNP specialists with the power supply and network provider, the city and regional administrations, during the entire work, the Client was actually supplied with electricity, without claims on behalf of third parties and government agencies.After a thorough due diligence of the legal status of all infrastructure facilities, it was found out that the cable lines connected to the enterprise were owned by the contractor company, which more than 15 years before constructed the industrial buildings, including the Client's cable lines. The cable lines were not transferred to the Client's balance sheet due to "forgetfulness" or intent. It was impossible to contact the owner and the head of the company. In fact, the abandoned company was the owner of the infrastructure and there was no one to negotiate with.

As an effective solution, it was chosen to acquire the infrastructure under the enforcement proceedings in respect of the debts of the said company, which at that time were more than enough. The enforcement proceedings, as well as negotiations with creditors, the bailiff service resulted in the fact that the assets were put up for public auction, and purchased to the benefit of the Client, and subsequently transferred to the network operator to be serviced. Now, it was actually possible to execute a full set of legal documents in respect of technological connection.


• The project for connection of increased power capacity is prepared, the application for technological connection of the increased power capacity is fulfilled;

• An updated agreement was executed with Mosenergosbyt for the supply of increased power capacity.

BBNP specialists were able to complete all the tasks assigned by the Client exclusively through careful and comprehensive planning of actions and procedures for a long term ahead. During the project and tender process, the Client faced a large number of scammers and unscrupulous intermediaries who tried to enrich themselves using the problem that arose, but all their actions were repulsed by BBNP lawyers, including through the court procedures.

Such projects are always individual and do not have a standard solution. During the completion of such large-scale and long-term tasks, the law statutes change, employees are dismissed and new ones are appointed, and there is a conflict of commercial and political interests of different companies and agencies. It is constantly necessary to adjust the action plan, and look for creative solutions to the problems that arise in the course of work.

It is extremely difficult to carry out such work on hour rate basis, as well as to pay for step-by-step work, since the Client's trust can be betrayed by permanent bills, the feasibility of which is often impossible to verify. That is why in such cases, the undoubted advantage of our company is the work on the terms of the success fee, i.e., payment upon completion of all assigned tasks.

    Project team

    Kirill Shcherbakov
    Head of Corporate Practice
    Corporate practice, M&A, Litigation
    Maxim Barashev
    Managing partner
    Corporate practice, Litigation, Investment projects