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Vitaly Gilyazov

Vitaly Gilyazov

Corporate practice, Litigation, Commercial law

Vitaly has been advising businesses in the field of commercial law for more than 5 years: developing and negotiating wholesale agreements, franchising agreements, leasing agreements, commercial concessions, agency agreements and others. Vitaly also has extensive experience in issues arising in the course of the current business activities: customs registration, leases, and tax regulation.

Independently and as a team, he implemented more than 50 corporate projects, including registering companies, participating in bankruptcy procedures, supporting the dismissal of employees, conducting due diligence, challenging decisions of customs and tax authorities, and representing interests in judicial authorities in collecting debts and losses from former managers and owners of companies.

Prior to joining BBNP, Vitaly worked as a business law lawyer for Russian law firms.

In his work, Vitaly constantly advises the management of foreign enterprises operating in Russia on current business issues.

He regularly conducts due diligence on businesses and real estate, and prepares legal opinions.

He held a number of seminars for clients' accountants to explain the legal aspects of working at the USAIS.

He conducts seminars for clients' employees on sanctions issues and the interpretation of Russian regulations related to these restrictions.

Some successful projects

He has registered more than 20 limited liability companies with foreign participation in Russia;

As part of the team, he accompanied the construction of a workshop for one of the enterprises with foreign participation. The work included analysis of construction documentation, issuance of permits, coordination with government agencies, preparation and approval of sales contracts, participation in the approval of the investment project;

Successful negotiations with the general contractor on behalf of the subcontractor to resolve the dispute;

Accompany and executed more than 50 share transfer transactions;

Reduced or eliminated fines from the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation against an alcohol producer by representing interests in this service;

Developed a multi-stage system for approving and complying with contracts and agreements being drawn up;

Registered the computer program in the relevant state register;

Successfully represented a large food delivery chain with an unscrupulous consumer;

He has prepared more than a hundred mortgage agreements and collateral agreements as part of the regular servicing of a credit institution. He also participated in the removal of encumbrances imposed on property.


Graduate of the Law Faculty of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural State Law University”;
Master of Law from HSE University (Higher School of Economics);
He was awarded the qualification “Foreign language translator in the field of professional communication”. Ural State Law University;
2022 University of Turin, Department of Law, European Legal Studies program.

Foreign languages


Selected publications

Professional development